Welcome to the NSW Snooker and Billiards Events Calendar. To view the next 30 events coming up you can view as a list by CLICKING HERE. Alternatively all events are in the calendar tables below.

Annual General Meeting
Notice of 106th Annual General Meeting (2023)
Notice is hereby given that the 106th Annual General Meeting of Snooker & Billiards New South Wales Incorporated will be held at:
Online video conference only – via Microsoft Teams*
On Monday 4 December 2023 commencing at 6:30pm.
*To attend via video conference, members must register at least 24 hours prior, by emailing carlie.tait@bsansw.com.
Meeting access & further instructions will be issued upon registration only.
Please see the link below for AGM documents, including proposed Special Resolution.

Australian National Billiards
Australia’s two premier billiards tournaments for 2023, the Australian Open (Pacific International) and the Australian National Championship, will be held at the Yarraville Club in Melbourne between 13 June and 20 June 2023. Entries are now open through http://www.vbsa.org.au/vbsa_shop/shop_cart.php or via the attached entry form, which contains full details and tournament conditions. Strong representation from leading international and Australian players is anticipated, and the events will provide an opportunity for players of all standards to test themselves against the best. Early entry is advised.

Pacific International Billiards
Australia’s two premier billiards tournaments for 2023, the Australian Open (Pacific International) and the Australian National Championship, will be held at the Yarraville Club in Melbourne between 13 June and 20 June 2023. Entries are now open through http://www.vbsa.org.au/vbsa_shop/shop_cart.php or via the attached entry form, which contains full details and tournament conditions. Strong representation from leading international and Australian players is anticipated, and the events will provide an opportunity for players of all standards to test themselves against the best. Early entry is advised.

Sydney Open Billiards
Please find attached the PDF entry form for 2022 Club Marconi Sydney Open Billiards.
We have received confirmation from Peter Gilchrist, the reigning World Billiards Champion that he will attend to defend a title which he has won every year since its inception five years ago. In addition to Peter this is the event where all the stars come out to play in Sydney. It is the premier event on our NSW Billiards Calendar where we invite the best on the planet to come and visit the harbour city and see if they can snatch the silverware from our local heroes.
If you are a snooker player you can live your whole life and never lay eyes on Ronnie O'Sullivan. Even if you turn up at the Crucible, Ronnie will play and then exit via the side door only to return for the next round. You will not meet him, you will not speak to him and you certainly will not have a beer with him after his match.
Billiards is a little more democratic. If you enter the Sydney Open Billiards you have a strong likelihood of playing against Peter or even having him ref your game. Indeed the lower ranked you are the more chance you have of being in his group...that's how the seedings work.
Peter is the reigning and 3 times World Champion, the holder of the World Record break under the current rules and has been the number 1 ranked player in the world for most of the last decade . If you buy him a beer he will tell you all about that journey.
Anyone can enter, this is a truly Open event, from beginner to state champion and from either gender, (or none at all...or both). You can be a senior or a junior. As long as you are a member of the human race. As a world event you can be of any nationality and play under that flag. ( Peter is Singaporean).
There are always plenty of aspirational players yet to make their first 20 break.
This is a Level 4 World ranking event with serious prize money and World Billiards ranking points, and an Australian and NSW ranking point event. Simply by entering you will gain a world ranking ( ok it will not be very high, but everyone starts somewhere). More importantly you become a part of the worldwide fraternity of billiards players. We are not all champions but we are on the same journey of learning the game...Peter perhaps a little further down the road than us.
Included in your entry fee is a presentation dinner at the end of proceedings on Sunday night.
There will also be a plate event, depending on numbers, to be contested from Sunday morning so if you get eliminated you get a second bite at the cherry and a good excuse to hang about for the final and free dinner.
Entries are online only at Billiards Australia. They are open now!